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Workshop of the Spanish Group on Human change not climate change

After the Training Course "Human change not climate change" in Yerevan, Spanish group organized a workshop in Malaga.


In the beginning of October, Debora Dimcheva, youth worker from the Spanish NGO “Asociación EuropeYou” organized workshop in their local community about the importance of working together for the achievement of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), part of the UN Agenda 2030.

The organization is currently running together with other six organizations from EU and Latin American continent, a project which aims to activate youth workers to contribute towards the achievement of the SDGs, encouraging youth initiatives and youth inclusion by promoting democratic life in alignment of SDGs theme. Therefore, the organization is very concern about the urgent need of effective contribution for the achievement of the SDGs in a shorter period.

During the workshop, it was put a specific focus on Goal 13 “Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts”. Indeed, during the event participants got to know more about the recently training course “Human change not climate change” that four youth workers from Spain had the opportunity to attend in Yerevan, Armenia. Different topics that were discussed during the training week in Yerevan, were presented to the young people as well as they had the chance to share with the rest of the group what are their daily personally actions that contribute to reduce the climate change, and what according to them businesses, governments and other actors can do for reducing the negative impacts on climate.

In addition, the event was a chance for sharing more about the Erasmus + programme and its opportunities, and the new European Green Deal.

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