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Ukranian Group about "Human change not climate change"

Interview of Lesia Voliak from Ukraine after the Training Course "Human change not climate change" in Yerevan


Can you give us your opinion about the project "human change not climate change"?

This was my first participation in the Erasmus + project. The topic of this project is very interesting to me, because every day we face new challenges caused by climate change. Economic activity, food security and even life security depend on the ability to predict climate change and prevent potential threats. Therefore, in my opinion, the responsibility for the environment lies with each of us. The training made it possible to explore the real situation with the use of non-formal teaching methods, how to distinguish fakes from true information, to discuss the main environmental problems in the form of debates and to model possible management decisions, etc. The opportunity to discuss these issues in an intercultural environment was especially important. I believe that an important part of the project was the "time capsule", which provided an opportunity to pass on messages to future generations and plant a tree that helps to improve the ecological condition of the country.

According to you, is it too late to stop climate change? What would be the most effective policy to stop climate change?

I consider that it will take decades and perhaps more than one generations of people to stop climate change. The climate change we see now is the result of mankind's ill considered long-term economic activity. And if you do not start activities to preserve the environment now, then in a couple of years it may be too late. The main means should be state support for environmental initiatives, stimulating the transition to environmentally friendly and waste-free production and educating people about the threats posed by their consumer attitudes to nature.

In your opinion, what can young people do at a local level to mitigate the effects of climate change?

First of all, everyone should start from small - reduce the use of plastic bags, sort garbage separately, and so on. The next stage is participation in the work of public organizations that implement environmental initiatives. Also, involving young people in the Eco-School project by explaining to the young generation the importance of preserving biodiversity and stopping climate change, to be carriers of eco-culture.

What is the most important thing you have learned during the training? How do you plan to share and use your knowledge?

It was interesting for me to study non-formal teaching methods and I plan to use them in the future with my students in class. This will diversify the learning process and help in learning materials.

It was also important for me to visit an international environment and discuss climate change. The problems caused by climate change are the same in almost all countries, but there is still no consensus in the world on how to solve them. Therefore, these projects are an important element in involving young people in globalization and provide an opportunity to broaden their vision and offer effective solutions to the environmental crisis.

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