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Spanish Group about "It's about choice"

Aktualisiert: 6. Feb. 2022

Interview of Inesa Mardoyan from Spain after the Training Course "It's about choice" in Berlin.


Can you give us your opinion about the project “It´s about choice“?

Recently I took part in an Erasmus+ training course held in Berlin by Copernicus. It was my first time to take part in such an Event, which I was glad to discuss the topic “It’s about choice”. It’s about choice dealt with the topic Islamophobia as the main subject. We defined what Islamophobia is. The Fear of Muslims or Islam religion has been seen on the rise from different parts of the world. From the conference we were able to discuss and look at different scenarios of violence against Muslims from different countries.

Do you think Islamophobia is a threat for our society?

The threat of Islamophobia between Muslims and non-Muslims has brought about violation of human rights on Muslims. Reports of attacks on Muslims with some leading to loss of lives caused by Xenophobia. Another threat is the encroaching distrust in co-existence between Muslims and non-Muslims. In the process of discussion, we were able to build friendship with people in attendance and hear about different ways of combating Islamophobia during this time.

What can be done to combat Islamophobia on community, national or international level? Several ways we can combat Islamophobia is by organizing training course, and inviting people to educate them on Islamophobia. Standing with the Islamic community and speaking out freely when you see such attacks on Islam’s. We ourselves can also try forging relationships with Muslims individuals. Something else we can do is deconstructing myths about Muslim and Islam in general and telling about positive and real facts about Muslims. Another way is for government to come up with policies that protect our fellow Muslims citizens.

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