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Slovakian Group about "Your New Mission"

Interview of Reneé Hauskrechtová from Slovakia after the Training Course "Your New Mission" in Torremolinos.


Can you give us your opinion about the project “Your New Mission”?

This project was a perfect place to learn about the importance of the EU and how the EU influences our daily life. We learn the key competence of the EU community and challenges that EU IDENTITY has to face these days. Despite gaining new knowledge we have opportunities to meet international people and get to know their perspectives and ideas as well as to gain awareness of their culture. Thanks to the perfect place the project took place in, we could enjoy the last sunny days at the beach chatting about the differences of our countries and comparing them to our own that boosted up our international outlooks and critical thinking. We truly enjoy the time here and we are super thankful to organizations for this opportunity. It was hard to go back home

What do you understand for “European Identity”?

Authentic POWER based on the cooperation and friendship that is unified from many other cultures and nations that are able to work with each other in order to create something so special like the EU. Each member-state has its own national identity and cultural dimension and they are still able to work with each other as well as cooperate together in order to create a safe place for people from different backgrounds. This identity is also the power to tolerate and coexist with others no matter the diversity. For us, the EU has no exact definition for identity, because each country completes its integrity. European identity is everyone in this circle.

What should be the EU priorities in the field of youth and in what the EU should

improve ?

Education. It is the most important priority these days. World is changing rapidly and we need better and better educated people. Also, Young people need to actively participate during education so it is highly beneficial to keep working on missions and projects like this because sometimes it might give young people even more than just the regular schooling. It will open doors for better international integration. It will teach them about the positive aspects of differences between people and also that we are all together in this world so we should cooperate with each other as much as possible to solve the global problems of this century.

What will you do at local level to promote EU iniciatives and explain to other young people what is the EU ?

It is a unique political arrangement that ensures freedoms, security, free-trade to all its members and more importantly it is home you can feel safe at. The EU is looking after each member and takes care of the prominence of citizens’ rights and freedoms. The EU is also responsible for giving you support when your own country disadvantages you. IT is just a big bubble looking after you where everyone matters.

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