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Polish Group about "Your New Mission"

Interview of Wiktoria Kunkel from Poland after the Training Course "Your New Mission" in Torremolinos.


Can you give us your opinion about the project “Your New Mission”?

"Your new mission" was my first project. it was an interesting experience for me

because it touched on a large number of topics related to our influence on life in the

UR. during this project I met many wonderful people from different parts of UE and

got to know their cultures. I learned a lot about UE from our wonderful hosts. By

taking part in this project I learned a lot about what I can change in EU.

What do you understand for “European Identity”?

European identity is what we feel and how we feel in Europe. it relates to our

personal feelings and sensations. in my opinion it is a sense of being connected with

European culture and history. everyone can feel it differently because each of us is

different and can be different.

What should be the EU priorities in the field of youth and in what the EU should

improve ?

The EU's priority for youth is primarily education and self-development in various

fields such as sports, travel and many others. The EU, through projects such as

Erasmus +, allows us to participate in amazing lectures and be part of them.

The EU raises the level of competences of young people, promoting their

participation in democratic life and the labor market, promoting active citizenship and

intercultural dialogue. Priorities in the European Union should be that young people,

but not only, feel safe and free in the European Union. That they would not be afraid

to be whoever they want and not be afraid to speak out loud what they do not like in

the European Union. Our words are important to them and, not being afraid, we can

change a lot.

What will you do at local level to promote EU iniciatives and explain to other young people what is the EU ?

The European Union is a community of all people living in it. we can express our

emotions and feelings here. we have our say in matters happening in the European

Union and our word matters. we can vote, travel without a visa between countries in

the EU. thanks to the fact that the EU focuses on youth development, we can take

part in various projects, such as Erasmus +.

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