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Polish Group about "NEET to work"

Interview of Kinga Messerschmidt from Poland after the Training Course "NEET to work" in Yerevan


Can you give us your opinion about the project "NEET to Work"?

The project "NEET to work" was an excellent opportunity to work on my

professional skills and meet like-minded people who share interest in youth work. As

more and more youngsters struggle with finding jobs, I find the topic of the training

extremely relevant and I'm really grateful for this opportunity.

According to you, what support works best for young people at risk of becoming NEET?

There is not one good way to support youth which is in the risk of becoming NEET.

The project like that one is a great way to include NEET into social life. Erasmus

initiatives provide us not only with an experience but also they are providing us with

useful certification.

What is the most important thing you have learned during the training? How do you plan to share and use your knowledge?

During the project I learned how to use tools like SWOT analysis. Additionally, I

was involved in interesting conversation with other participants of the project. We

were enabled to share are views and opinions. The exchange taught me more about

the situation of NEET youth in other countries. I'll be happy to use this knowledge

and skills and apply it on my local community level.

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