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German Group about "Think before you post"

Interview of Marcel Fion from Germany after the Training Course "Think before you post" in Yerevan


During the project I had met a lot of smart and intelligent people with whom had discussed the topic of the project really deep and from different perspectives.

I have learned how the digital footprint could influence the personal brand and how it will affect the place of employment. Especially for me, it is really how the personal brand will look and what social media footprint it will have because I am working as a project manager in a software development company and it is truly important to have a good digital footprint and present my company. After the project I am planning to make a presentation for the people in my city and tell society more about the importance of the digital footprint. Also, I would make a list of recommendations that will help them to make good social media campaigns. Francesco told us a lot of interesting and helpful information, especially for me were quite interesting to know more about GDPR, because I am working with EU countries and I should know this topic really deeply.

Tips for creating a positive digital footprint:

  • Make a privacy setting for your accounts.

  • Think before you post, that content should have motivational content that will attract a positive audience toyour accounts.

  • Figure out who is your target group and focus on the social media that will reach it.

  • Research your old accounts in social media and delete content that will affect your brand.

  • Try to use digital tools to help you create a positive digital footprint.

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