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German Group about "NEET to work"

Autorenbild: CopernicusBerlinCopernicusBerlin

Interview of Paylag Torossian from Germany after the Training Course "NEET to work" in Yerevan


Can you give us your opinion about the project "NEET to Work"?

The project “NEET to work” was amazing! It was really well organized and everything went very smoothly from day one. The accommodation provided by Copernicus Berlin was on very high standards. Moreover, the content of the lectures was not only very well structured but also oriented on team work and individual participation. Thereby, enhancing the whole quality of the project.

According to you, what support works best for young people at risk of becoming NEET?

The implementation of educational programs at school, inclusion actions at the community level, and the preparation of vocational programs are the best supports for young people that are at risk of becoming NEET. Prevention rather than cure is the key factor. Moreover, when it comes to employment chances, the development of soft skills are also of key importance, the development of which should be included in the programs of various educational and training institutions.

What is the most important thing you have learned during the training? How do you plan to share and use your knowledge?

During the project I learned about the necessary skills and educational tools that will assist me to offer voluntary activities which will help NEET make their first step outside the NEET loop. I plan to share my knowledge by working in an NGO in my home country, where I can apply what I learned during this project. Moreover, I learned various tips and strategies that would further improve my employment chances, ranging from CV structuring to goal planning.

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