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Danish Group about "NEET to work"

Interview of Zsofia Papp from Denmark after the Training Course "NEET to work" in Yerevan


Can you give us your opinion about the project "NEET to Work"?

I was very happy when I heard about the project because I am already working with

youngsters through my organization and I would like to coach young people in the

future. Overall, I was kind of amazed about the training, how it was organised, what kinds of activities we had during the week - all of them could help us either to gain deeper understanding of NEET situation in different countries, or be better leaders and be better help for youngsters.

According to you, what support works best for young people at risk of becoming NEET?

Education level is the best. I believe that if person has enough knowledge and confidence he/she won't become NEET. So solution is to have a talks with young people and train them for jobs and education.I think mentoring helps the most yougsters in NEET situations - because they can have deeper relationship with someone, or getting to know more posibilities that they have or even getting good advices.

What is the most important thing you have learned during the training? How do you plan to share and use your knowledge?

I've learned diferent approaches how I can help youngsters to set up goals and clarify their situations - like the SWOT analysis or the GROW model. I can use these tools as mentoring for my volunteers in my NGO, also it can be used in future projects and I can use it in coaching as well. And also I learned a lot form the training and the most important realozed is the fact that NEET more global than I expected and strongest solution is to provide young people resources such as education, trainings, support and ect.

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