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Georgian Group about "Human change not climate change"

Aktualisiert: 22. Nov. 2021

Interview of Tamari Kuparashvili from Georgia after the Training Course "Human change not climate change" in Yerevan


Can you give us your opinion about the project "human change not climate change"?

According to me, “Human change not climate change” is an amazing project. First, it responds to the very important topic for our World and society. Second is that this project is designed for youth workers to spread the gained information in their local communities, which helps to rising awareness of young generation about climate change issue. In my opinion, the project is very well-designed and executed. All the actors engaged into this project is competent and have appropriate skills to deliver desired results.

According to you, is it too late to stop climate change? What would be the most effective policy to stop climate change?

In my opinion, it is never late to change something, especially when it comes to the climate change challenge. Climate change is a process not a completed action, therefore our environment is changing, and we still can take action to slow down the ongoing process or to stop it. While discussing above-mentioned topic, it should be taken into the consideration, that there is damage caused by human and by nature itself, the worst results are caused by human according to World Meteorological Organization (Agency of UN). So, if there is a problem seed by human, then the only one is human who can solve it.

From my standpoint, international organizations have paid attention to the climate change topic and have made important strategic plans towards that challenge. In western countries it gathers more and more attention from government too, what directly means, that they not only make a strategic plan but try to execute it in the best way possible.

In my opinion, the most important policy to stop climate change would be to make it based on the strategic vision. I consider the strategic plan/vision as a subject which is developed on exact analytical data, political and economic situation of the given country/region, and of course on an overall status quo. Therefore, the best way to make a strong policy is taking into the consideration multi sectoral and multidimensional analysis, since execution of the existing policy is not depended on the only one subject.

In your opinion, what can young people do at a local level to mitigate the effects of climate change?

In the process of mitigation effects of climate change, young people can play a key role. First, new generation is closer to the nowadays challenges and opportunities, they do not have strong stereotypes and beliefs (which is opposite in the case of older generation), and young people tend to be more flexible and open.

Youth also are more sensitive about the global challenges such as climate change, gender equality, freedom of speech etc. Since, sociologists agree that young people are more outgoing and socially active than any other, it means that that’s young generation who will spread the knowledge and will rise awareness in the society. Informed society definitely will make an informed choice, will be more engaged in the execution of taken strategy and will help in the implementation of policy.

In my opinion what young people can to do at the local level is to learn, then teach others and at the same time give a visible example to others how to behave. For example, by segregating trash, consume less water, engage in planting promotions. Young people can also use their civic activism to raise issues, draw the attention of the government and the media, and engage in the development and implementation of problem-solving strategies. According to my arguments, it is clear that educating the new generation is the way leading to success.

What is the most important thing you have learned during the training? How do you plan to share and use your knowledge?

Workshops about climate change gave me the most important knowledge - the understanding of how to look for the appropriate information and how to spread and share it with others. Together with this theoretical insight I got some specific knowledge about sustainable development goals, how current data looks like regarding climate change problems and solutions. I also developed my debating skills during the Oxford Debates.

After finishing the project – “Human Change Not Climate Change” - I really have what to share with my community members: I can speak about the topic and go deep into it, I am able to share specific techniques how to deliver the effective workshops with youth, and I am motivated to organize in my city such event as “Human Library”.

I must underline, that it was the unique opportunity to learn about different countries current problems and solutions and to analyze gathered information with people from different countries, different experience and individual way of thinking.

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