Training Course
Passion for Volunteering
Date: 21.08 - 29.09.2022
Place: Saulkrasti, Latvia
Venue: Minhauzena Unda
Description: By volunteering, individuals acquire incredible expertise, learn about different know-how and innovative skills. Anyway, in several cases, skills and experiences, gained through volunteering activities and events, not always decently credited and identified. Enhancement of skills through volunteering can be utilised for expansion of employment rate of individuals or for personnel growth, but this opportunity is rarely used. Occasions and activities of non-governmental organisations usually stay on the participation of volunteers and youngsters who want to invest their time, energy, passion and initiative.
When it is well accomplished, volunteering is a success for all engaged stakeholders, including:
volunteers gain soft and hard skills fostering qualification and self-confidence for the labour industry;
non-governmental organisations obtain extra performances and support, that wouldn't be achievable without the volunteers' dedication and loyalty;
as well as local community get perks in many different ways associated with the particular activities performed by the volunteer.
Non-governmental organisations from the EU engaging in this project designed a partnership to find a solution on how to perform voluntary work more effectively on national and European level. Even if volunteers are happily involved in civil society projects, or even their foremost power and leading implementer, very often these emphatic and positive examples don't approach a broader audience because visibility measures for promoting these success stories are not in the place or only have restricted reach. The overall purpose of this partnership is to emphasise the significance of volunteering as a successful gateway for skills improvement and into employment. It should be declared, that in our communities there is undergoing a political transformation process directed to progress to more democratic communities based on social responsibility and active citizenship and positive examples of active participation and energetic and committed individuals is necessary.
Therefore, the objectives of "Passion for Volunteering" are to:
Conceptualise with the project partners their approaches to volunteering in their work context;
Foster individual and organisational competences in planning, implementing, mentoring and evaluating local and international volunteering projects;
Develop organisational solution for inclusion of young people in volunteering projects;
Develop organisational schedule and strategy for the most indispensable moves in volunteering projects.
Working language: English
Costs: No participation fee.
Accommodation: The accomodation costs are covered. During the days of the training course participants will be accommodated in 3-/2-bed rooms in Hotel Minhauzena Unda. 3 times meal per day is also included.
Travel: You can also stay 2 days longer or arrive 2 days earlier and explore the area at your own expense.
Registration is open until 24th of July
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